Teething is a natural part of life for babies. It is when teeth start to erupt in the babies mouth, and this process typically occurs between the ages of six months and two years. While it is natural, that does not mean that the teething process is painless. It can cause discomfort as the tooth pushes through the gum. There are a number of ways to help soothe a teething child, however.
Teething Toys
There are non-gel teething toys that can be chilled and given to the child to chew on. These range in price but are generally fairly inexpensive, and they do offer quite a bit of relief to the teething child.
Home Remedies
There are also a number of home remedies that can ease the discomfort. Chilled fruit, a cold washcloth, a cool metal spoon, and gum massage are some of the other ways to bring relief to the teething baby. Of course, it is also important to remember to give the child plenty of cuddles to reassure them that you are there and that things are going to be just fine.
While most teething runs its course without issue, there are also rare instances when a child is having issues with the process. If your baby seems to be having more discomfort than normal or is presenting other worrying symptoms, it may be time to visit Your Dental Office, located in Toronto and Etobicoke.
Even if things are running smoothly for your child, a first tooth is still a good time to establish a relationship with a dentist. It is good to get your child used to the experience of visiting the dentist early in life so that it becomes a part of a healthy lifetime routine. It is recommended that a child's first dentist visit is by the age of 1 or within 6 months of the first erupted tooth. If your baby fits either of these criteria, contact us to schedule an appointment.